
Design Thesis

Jorielle Arlock 

Begin exploring your relationship with food by trying any of my free recipes and meal plans. Healthy food should also be delicious.

Mikayla Bogus

Begin exploring your relationship with food by trying any of my free recipes and meal plans. Healthy food should also be delicious.

Explore seasonal recipes

Lyllian Caporuscio

Inside the Mind

Focusing on the psychology behind design, and how that influences the work. I looked at common everyday objects and how I could use them in my work. That is when I focused on the spoon, and how I had perceived. Finding meaning, I have categorized how spoons in literature and pop culture exist, for means of nourishment, as a metaphor for privilege, and a tool for measurement. Looking at nourishment, I searched for what that means, and how it ultimately relates to the spoon.

Jillian De Paola

Begin exploring your relationship with food by trying any of my free recipes and meal plans. Healthy food should also be delicious.

Explore seasonal recipes

Brandon Hale-Montminy

Begin exploring your relationship with food by tryingany of my free recipes and meal plans. Healthy food should also be delicious.

Explore seasonal recipes

Dylan Maher

Begin exploring your relationship with food by trying any of my free recipes and meal plans. Healthy food should also be delicious.

Explore seasonal recipes

Marina Stagliola

Begin exploring your relationship with food by trying any of my free recipes and meal plans. Healthy food should also be delicious.

Explore seasonal recipes

Kamille Ryan
December 2024

Begin exploring your relationship with food by trying any of my free recipes and meal plans. Healthy food should also be delicious.

Explore seasonal recipes



Brianna Brand

Begin exploring your relationship with food by trying any of my free recipes and meal plans. Healthy food should also be delicious.

Explore seasonal recipes

Cas DeBreo

Begin exploring your relationship with food by trying any of my free recipes and meal plans. Healthy food should also be delicious.

Explore seasonal recipes

Misha Huntington

Begin exploring your relationship with food by trying any of my free recipes and meal plans. Healthy food should also be delicious.

Explore seasonal recipes

Grace Perry

Begin exploring your relationship with food by trying any of my free recipes and meal plans. Healthy food should also be delicious.

Explore seasonal recipes

Alex Pint

Begin exploring your relationship with food by trying any of my free recipes and meal plans. Healthy food should also be delicious.

Explore seasonal recipes

Audrey Duclos
December 2023

Begin exploring your relationship with food by trying any of my free recipes and meal plans. Healthy food should also be delicious.

Explore seasonal recipes

Elliot Gale December 2023

Begin exploring your relationship with food by trying any of my free recipes and meal plans. Healthy food should also be delicious.

Explore seasonal recipes

Kara Hammond December 2023

Begin exploring your relationship with food by trying any of my free recipes and meal plans. Healthy food should also be delicious.

Explore seasonal recipes


An Amount of Something

Thea Cannon

Begin exploring your relationship with food by trying any of my free recipes and meal plans. Healthy food should also be delicious.

Explore seasonal recipes

Stacey Clavijo

Begin exploring your relationship with food by trying any of my free recipes and meal plans. Healthy food should also be delicious.

Explore seasonal recipes

Katie DaSilva

Begin exploring your relationship with food by trying any of my free recipes and meal plans. Healthy food should also be delicious.

Explore seasonal recipes

Madison Gerace

Begin exploring your relationship with food by trying any of my free recipes and meal plans. Healthy food should also be delicious.

Explore seasonal recipes

A. Daniel Gimenez

Begin exploring your relationship with food by trying any of my free recipes and meal plans. Healthy food should also be delicious.

Explore seasonal recipes

Patrick Mardy

Begin exploring your relationship with food by trying any of my free recipes and meal plans. Healthy food should also be delicious.

Explore seasonal recipes

Joshua Marsi

Begin exploring your relationship with food by trying any of my free recipes and meal plans. Healthy food should also be delicious.

Explore seasonal recipes

John Russo

Begin exploring your relationship with food by trying any of my free recipes and meal plans. Healthy food should also be delicious.

Explore seasonal recipes

2021-2022 (un) expectation

Audrey Aristeo

form | thought

is an exploration in embroidery, the sewing of soft sculptures, and the relationship between stream-of-consciousness-based idea generation and the creation of content. Like freeform drawing exercises, the embroidery on my pieces is created without a plan. The purpose of this project from the beginning was not just to better understand how ideas are formed and executed, but also to learn to trust my creative instinct and return to a state of thought mostly untouched by the anxiety and uncertainty that often disturbs my art-making process. Over my one semester of work, I have focused on self-forgiveness, love, and joy as motivators to create a visual chronological record of my growing skill in embroidery and an exercise in mindful self-care.

formats     embroidery on felt; felt collages
blog posts     spring 22
website     audreyaristeo.art

Melissa Connors

it must be just fine

Women are often depicted and treated like decorations, objects, or as a form to project male ideas and interests onto. This work explores the objectification, idealization, perception and treatment of women. By reflecting on my own observations and experiences, I am creating pieces representing the frustrating reality of existing as a woman.

formats    collages; digitally altered collages; prints; books; accordion books
blog posts     fall 21     spring 22

Eileen Coughlin

Begin exploring your relationship with food by trying any of my free recipes and meal plans. Healthy food should also be delicious.

Explore seasonal recipes

Brooke Fraser

Begin exploring your relationship with food by trying any of my free recipes and meal plans. Healthy food should also be delicious.

Explore seasonal recipes

William Higgins

Begin exploring your relationship with food by trying any of my free recipes and meal plans. Healthy food should also be delicious.

Explore seasonal recipes

Andrea Kennedy

Begin exploring your relationship with food by trying any of my free recipes and meal plans. Healthy food should also be delicious.

Explore seasonal recipes

Emily Klesaris

Begin exploring your relationship with food by trying any of my free recipes and meal plans. Healthy food should also be delicious.

Explore seasonal recipes

Jasmine Penn-Nazario

Begin exploring your relationship with food by trying any of my free recipes and meal plans. Healthy food should also be delicious.

Explore seasonal recipes

Jessica Saab

Begin exploring your relationship with food by trying any of my free recipes and meal plans. Healthy food should also be delicious.

Explore seasonal recipes

HX Varley

Begin exploring your relationship with food by trying any of my free recipes and meal plans. Healthy food should also be delicious.

Explore seasonal recipes

Henry Waggett

Begin exploring your relationship with food by trying any of my free recipes and meal plans. Healthy food should also be delicious.

Explore seasonal recipes

2020-2021 Design Thesis

Nathaniel Cioffi

Broken Amend/ments; Frustration & Isolation; YOU ARE HERE!, &c.

Broken Amend/ments
This project explores the degradation of meaning through repetition and reinterpretation over time. Each of these works represents a multi-poster series. The process starts by formally typesetting each constitutional amendment. After this, the font size is systematically increased with each poster causing the language to become distorted. This is symbolic of the repeated reinterpretation of the laws over the decades, distorting original intents, and covering up racial injustices that are written into those laws. This project raises the question, is it time to rewrite the oldest constitution?
Frustration & Isolation
These works have come out of my own reflections on feelings of anger, frustration, and isolation in 2020.
This project explores the idea that we are all together in our shared feelings of loneliness, frustration, and isolation during this unforgettable year.
January 20, 2017 — January 20, 2021
This poster is inspired by the 45th presidential term’s approach to tradition and prerequisite.
Screaming for 60 Seconds
This book and poster combo look to encapsulate the feeling of a good scream.

(type-heavy) books; posters; photography; video

blog posts
fall 20

Leslie Dami

Begin exploring your relationship with food by trying any of my free recipes and meal plans. Healthy food should also be delicious.

Explore seasonal recipes

Paige Dempster

Nihilist Dogs

There must be a meaning to life, but I have no clue what it is or what it even could be. I was filled with this existential dread about halfway through the semester, making it difficult to take care of myself beyond basic survival, let alone produce any sort of meaningful work. I have a bad habit of letting my emotions bleed into my art, as well as the lifelong artsy quirk of doodling in the margins of my notebook, so I put the two together and began drawing these strange looking dogs and combining them with garish handwritten text expressing a nihilist world view, then I finally cut the images up into small books.
The liveliness of the dogs combined with the animated yet existential text create a stark contrast that make them hard to ignore, and the books cut the image up to make them hard to understand, but able to vaguely piece together if meditated on for long enough, just like life.
I knew from the beginning that I wanted these to be small books so people could take a little bit of this sentiment with them, so I included a fully pieced together image as a sticker to encourage people.
For the show, I printed and folded two hundred individual books for people to take home.
Earlier stages of the project (Fall 2020) were devoted to symbols and icons — one shape symbols, brain illustrations (mainly relating to mental states), and preposition icons (e.g., “in,” “out,” “over,” “under”).

icons (many many icons!); books; installation

blog posts
fall 20
spring 20

May Funda

(Animation + Interactive Media)
Adrift — book series

My work is about depicting animals in their natural habitats and evoking feelings of being surrounded by them, as if the viewer is in the image as well. The reason I chose to focus on aquatic animals is because they always seemed mysterious to me. They’re beautiful and complicated, and the ocean they live in is so unexplored. The majority of organisms alive currently live under the ocean, and most of the ocean is unexplored.
I wanted to use colors that helped convey the peaceful feeling of each image, and the text in each image is supposed to complement the visuals. I used text taken from spreads in my final book that I printed last semester, to keep some continuity, and I repurposed them to fit the images I’ve added or changed for this book. My goal is to be experimental with the placement of text, using colors and font styles that complement the rhythm of the images from one page to the next.

three books (on whales, sea turtles, penguins); image development; research-based and poetic text elements

blog posts
fall 20
spring 20

Adam Klebon

Begin exploring your relationship with food by trying any of my free recipes and meal plans. Healthy food should also be delicious.

Explore seasonal recipes

Gervin Pineda Rodriguez

Begin exploring your relationship with food by trying any of my free recipes and meal plans. Healthy food should also be delicious.

Explore seasonal recipes

2019-2020 Design Thesis

Arielle Carlow

Repeat, Redo, Replay

Throughout this thesis project I first experimented with the presentation and creation of patterns, and the process I used. After breaking down my original patterns, I started synchronizing them to my music. The animated patterns and music create something entirely new and different.
To make the patterns “move” I utilize stop motion techniques to record the various layers of a pattern as they’re drawn. I then overlap and use blending techniques in Premier, while also synchronizing the images and sequences to music.
Naturally being drawn to little infinities and intimacies in life, I create patterns as a way to escape. While drawing them the world around me seems to go silent and disappear.

pen and ink; robots; stop motion and time lapse animations; etchings; music
and mask making during Covid-19 quarantine

Arielle Carlow videos at YouTube, blog posts — spring 20 fall 19

Andrew Cook

Vulnerability / Be A Man — A design commentary on masculinity.

This project became a collaboration between myself and other men who believe that the social stereotypes around what it means to be a man are ridiculous and trivial at best. As part of an attempt to help me convey this idea, they agreed to let me photograph their hands with nail polish painted on their finger nails... The simple act of having these men paint their nails... is an act of defiance...
A huge part of this project was dealing with emotion...

primarily posters

blog posts
spring 20
fall 19

Claire Diionno

Mental Note

The face crystallizes all redundancies,
it emits and receives,
releases and recaptures signifying signs.

— Deleuze and Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus

These images of glass, nature, and makeup all have a much deeper meaning to me than what they appear to show to an outsider looking in. My research and self-exploration of the psyche have brought me to this point in my design and it meant to show how many layers and directions I took to end up here.
This work has been fueld by my own thoughts and words and is based off of the things I discovered about myself. Though I tried to stay away from making this project personal, it ended up doing that on its own.
Earlier (fall 2019) research/reading (Jenny Edkins, Face Politics (2015)) and studio work focused on the face.

line contour drawings; drawings from self-images reflected in mirrors; makeup; three-dimensional masks; digitally collaged images (some incorporating text)

blog posts
spring 20
fall 19

Richard Fraiser

Richard Fraser
$LICK — streetwear design

Experimentation. When all this started I couldn’t quite pinpoint what $LICK looked like as a brand. I knew the style I was trying to represent but trying to cohesively express that through fashion design was a challenge. My goal for the past year has been to transmit my aesthetic into a recognizable brand. By reinforcing this style through my digital and physical designs I was able to build an expansive assortment of content that aligned with my brand identity. Although this first collection consists of hoodie and strap prototypes, I plan to take this brand places nobody ever would’ve expected.

icons, symbols; pattern experimentation (e.g., “fluid dynamics”); sweater, straps and belts

blog posts
spring 20
fall 19

Nicole Hosking

Left Behind

My theme is abandonment, specifically focusing on abandoned homes. I took a series of abstract photographs of an abandoned home, located in Danvers Massachusetts. From the inspiration of these photographs I wrote a series of poetry also relating to the subject of abandonment. I wanted to bring imagination and new life to places that are usually forgotten about. By combining the photographs with the poetry it gives the abandoned home meaning again.
Earlier themes (some abandoned, some retained) : conspiracy theories; “Ripley’s Believe It or Not!”; “criminal minds” and other aphorisms

An Abandoned Home, online version (at issuu)

poetry; photographs; accordion and codex format books; zine; panels (installation)

blog posts
spring 20
fall 19

Rebecca Jones

(Book Arts)
Tell Me, O Muse

Tell Me, O Muse is a thesis work about translation, connotation, and reading.
The same words can have vastly different meanings depending on the reader. This is especially evident when dealing with translation: all translators work from the same source text, but each version is the product of a single person’s education, experiences, and preferences.
The work in Tell Me, O Muse uses Homer’s Odyssey in its original text and its translations to consider the topics of legibility, mutual understanding/exclusivity, double meanings, and characterization.

Those Were His Words (available at Lulu) — A brief, poetic exploration into two words found in Homer’s Odyssey: “andra” and “polymetis”.
Rebecca Jones thesis website

letterpress and digital prints; books

blog posts
spring 20
fall 19

Cailee Mitchell

Vulva is Not a Dirty Word

Vulva is Not a Dirty Word is a series of work that focuses on the vulva and the experiences of those who have one. The goal for this body of work is to provide knowledge to others through means that are more interesting than research or reading medical texts.
Throughout the semester, individuals were able to submit anonymous responses regarding their experiences while living with a vulva... The responses gathered were raw, personal, and emotional. These responses inspired prints, embroideries, books, and even a pair of ‘wearable’ vulva earrings. Through this work, I was able to explore a fine art approach while still incorporating elements of design. The result was a series that combines educational purposes with artistic methods.

A collection of the work along with all the anonymous responses received can be found at caileemitchell.wixsite.com/vulvaisnotadirtyword.

books, embroidery, posters, acrylic earrings, website, etc.

blog posts
spring 20
fall 19

Zaruga Philips


Natural hair can be a political and social statement or merely loving your natural shrinkage and finding happiness within yourself. My poems express deep emotions and my experience as a Black woman while learning cultural differences when it comes to Black hair. Each stanza tells the story of some of the everyday struggles that Black women with natural hair go through. The poems also dive into the cultural significance of Black individuals’ hair. Some of these poems provide modern-day struggles in the Black communities surrounding identity with a few historical oppression on Black women as slaves.

poetry, drawn and photographic illustrations; video

blog posts
spring 20
fall 19

Steven Rudin

Positive Attitude

Positive Attitude is a comedy stage magic show that was written and performed by Herman & Stefon. The main concept of the show was to challenge the stereotypical image of a magician and create a respectable show. We wanted to create a show that had just the right amount of profanity while still showing off beautiful and elegant magic, and not take ourselves too seriously at the same time. From close-up card magic, to classic side-show stunts, these two bring a performance that shows everyone what magic has been missing.
earlier (Fall 2019) work was devoted to Pareidolia (the tendency to recognize shapes in clouds, faces in inanimate objects or abstract patterns, or to hear hidden messages in music) and Apophenia (the tendency to perceive meaningful connections between seemingly unrelated things); some designs abstracted from a rock; a what-do-you-see exercise relating to patterns on the surface of a cup of coffee; and Rudin’s Weekly Almanac, a info-graphic oriented account of its author’s use of time.

info-graphics; digital images; promotional materials for a magic stage show

blog posts
spring 20
fall 19

2018-2019 Revelations

Cassidy Bollinger

I understood from the beginning that I wanted my project to be about people. I became a fly on the wall, collecting data of individual’s paths as they make their ways through public spaces. Most commonly I sat at the coffee shop, trying to capture a moment in time with a sketch on a piece of paper. My interests became much more about documenting behavior I found curious. Creating narratives, and journaling became an important part of my observational mapmaking. That is when I took on the task of mapping myself. It was then in this process I realized, our own paths are what is truly important, not recounting someone else’s. Figuring out how we wander through this world, what we seek to bring us a little bit of comfort. For me, the act of taking walks was one of the few certainties of my day; “ you will walk to school, and you will walk home ”. But instead of just giving into the cold and allowing my feet to carry me, I felt actively participating in every step consciously.

Amy Chan

Snake oils, medicine that has claimed to cure almost all of our problems. It has existed for hundreds of years. What began as Chinese medicine dating back to the 1800s, was actual oil extracted from a water snake, used to relieve joint pains. Western culture changed the truth of snake oils and it is now seen as quackery. Snake oils in existence now are accompanied by serious language, with strict restrictions and guidelines. The change in language can sometimes be dull, and difficult to understand. I have created several products for common, specific problems encountered in our modern society. The products are based on words ranging from various languages that describe specific feelings or emotions. They include important information that is blunt, along with some elements you would normally see on packaging. A modern twist to quackery.

Emily Fox

Printmaking and fiber arts have been consistent elements in my work for a few years now. The repetitive nature of both of these art forms is what originally drew me to them, and I decided to look at how these two things can behave when used together. After designing a tool to create iterative prints from a woven substrate, I have been using this “loom plate” to investigate repetition, texture, and color. This process has allowed me to blur the lines between craft, fine art, and design.

Emily Fox’s Instagram

Kara Guttadauro

Using clothing from my grammie, my mother, and myself I have transformed them into paper. Clothing carries meaning and memories from times you wore them, to who you got them from. I have taken these items that lay around, to utilize the memories in them and turn them into usable paper. This is something that can be done for a loved one who has passed, or a piece of clothing that is no longer wearable but you can’t bring yourself to discard because of the connection you still have with it. Having the paper is almost the same as having that piece of clothing but you are able to do so much more with it now.

Kara Bradley’s LinkedIn

Jenn Jones

To understand one’s darkness is to understand their light. My work in this show revolves around the importance of dark times in the Gospel, nature, and our own lives, and how they not only strengthen us, but reinforce our need, and love for light. I’m exploring the physical and metaphorical interpretations of light through symbolism and light as a medium. I am also challenging the idea of a “dark time”, to view it as good; as a natural opportunity for healing and reclamation. The reality of life is that it’s kind of dark. And that’s something we all can learn to embrace, through praise and prayer, in order to live freely and lightly.

Vincent Mainetti

I began exploring structural packaging to understand more about package design and the involved user experience. This exploration revealed that packaging is not just about the surface treatment working well with the package’s shape. I discovered that a degree of modularity in the packages was necessary to provide the work with a sustainable “shelf presence”. After contemplating this observation, I moved the focus away from structural packaging and towards modularity. Not wanting to lose all of the user involvement incorporated with packaging I began creating modular wall systems from geometric shapes. The assembling of these wall systems creates a unique user experience similar to the experiences in packaging, as well as an interesting aesthetic when placed in a view only environment.

Vincent Mainetti’s website

Taylor Mortimore

Life brings death, it is the one known factor throughout our lives. Yet it rarely crosses our minds. My work confronts questions about the afterlife and raises concerns over how we are living now. Chemicals, nuclear bombs, and the invention of plastic has helped create modern comforts most us can’t imagine living without. Our comfortable lives are filled with toxic trash which we have carried away weekly, out of sight and guilt-free we waste more and more. Confronting death head-on is seeing the destruction of our planet. It is hard to face that we as members of all humanity have a hand in poisoning the world that is home to us all. There is pain in truth, unfortunately, death is inescapable. Fortunately, though, the freedom and beauty of life is that there is always time to change.

N. N. Newhart

I spent my life being told what to believe about the Bible by family, media, and the clergy but I never looked for myself. With a mounting interest in books and their impact, I decided to explore this monumental book and make my own opinions. This collection of work is based on my search for truth and understanding in the Christian Bible.

Natalie Nicole Newhart’s website

Andrew Tricoche

My interest in music and hand lettering inspired me to investigate the possibilities of visualizing speech. By adjusting variables in the structure of the letter, spelling of the word, and spacing, I am able to adjust the sound of the subconscious voice and accurately portray variations in sound. Pulling acapellas from various songs, my work attempts to blend sound with sight through art.

Andrew Tricoche’s website

2017-2018 Celestial Debris

Coral Azevedo

Plastic Vanity

The title suggests a positive take on two words that can be seen as negative around makeup culture. Plastic is one of the materials I'm working with that can also be used to describe a made-up face, a traditionally negative term that people are starting to embrace. The word vanity means pride in one's appearance as well as a word for a makeup table.

Kaleigh Brann


I want to study how artistic mediums such as glass, metal, paper, textiles, etc. begin in a natural state and are created into useful or useless items by humans. I hope to then take the medium and return it back to an origin by weaving it in as if it belongs in nature. My forms will be land art and then photographed for display.

Gabrielle Burgess

A Hand in Nature

This thesis work features a combination of dried, pressed and live flowers arranged into landscape-like patterns, creating a narrative symbolizing progression. My work appreciates the tiny, insignificant details that exist within nature and celebrates each unique plant item and its natural patterns. The composition allows each little plant piece to stand on its own and... placed mindfully in several large compositions...

earlier (Spring 2017) forms of the project (then called An exploration in three dimensional letterforms) involved creation of letters and (English and foreign) words from objects (natural forms (e.g., leaves), consumer projects (e.g., cigarette cartons), wax, wood, string, etc.

Morgan O'Connor

My interest in music and hand lettering inspired me to investigate the possibilities of visualizing speech. By adjusting variables in the structure of the letter, spelling of the word, and spacing, I am able to adjust the sound of the subconscious voice and accurately portray variations in sound. Pulling acapellas from various songs, my work attempts to blend sound with sight through art.

Andrew Tricoche’s website

Jeremy Rodas

My interest in music and hand lettering inspired me to investigate the possibilities of visualizing speech. By adjusting variables in the structure of the letter, spelling of the word, and spacing, I am able to adjust the sound of the subconscious voice and accurately portray variations in sound. Pulling acapellas from various songs, my work attempts to blend sound with sight through art.

Andrew Tricoche’s website

Jade Ruscio

My interest in music and hand lettering inspired me to investigate the possibilities of visualizing speech. By adjusting variables in the structure of the letter, spelling of the word, and spacing, I am able to adjust the sound of the subconscious voice and accurately portray variations in sound. Pulling acapellas from various songs, my work attempts to blend sound with sight through art.

Andrew Tricoche’s website

Courtney Ryan

My interest in music and hand lettering inspired me to investigate the possibilities of visualizing speech. By adjusting variables in the structure of the letter, spelling of the word, and spacing, I am able to adjust the sound of the subconscious voice and accurately portray variations in sound. Pulling acapellas from various songs, my work attempts to blend sound with sight through art.

Andrew Tricoche’s website

Liam St. Laurent

My interest in music and hand lettering inspired me to investigate the possibilities of visualizing speech. By adjusting variables in the structure of the letter, spelling of the word, and spacing, I am able to adjust the sound of the subconscious voice and accurately portray variations in sound. Pulling acapellas from various songs, my work attempts to blend sound with sight through art.

Andrew Tricoche’s website

Harrison Turner

My interest in music and hand lettering inspired me to investigate the possibilities of visualizing speech. By adjusting variables in the structure of the letter, spelling of the word, and spacing, I am able to adjust the sound of the subconscious voice and accurately portray variations in sound. Pulling acapellas from various songs, my work attempts to blend sound with sight through art.

Andrew Tricoche’s website

2016-2017 SCHEMA/Left Overs (December 2016)

Alexandra Bonin

My interest in music and hand lettering inspired me to investigate the possibilities of visualizing speech. By adjusting variables in the structure of the letter, spelling of the word, and spacing, I am able to adjust the sound of the subconscious voice and accurately portray variations in sound. Pulling acapellas from various songs, my work attempts to blend sound with sight through art.

Andrew Tricoche’s website

Taylor Bowen

My interest in music and hand lettering inspired me to investigate the possibilities of visualizing speech. By adjusting variables in the structure of the letter, spelling of the word, and spacing, I am able to adjust the sound of the subconscious voice and accurately portray variations in sound. Pulling acapellas from various songs, my work attempts to blend sound with sight through art.

Andrew Tricoche’s website

Adela Bukva

My interest in music and hand lettering inspired me to investigate the possibilities of visualizing speech. By adjusting variables in the structure of the letter, spelling of the word, and spacing, I am able to adjust the sound of the subconscious voice and accurately portray variations in sound. Pulling acapellas from various songs, my work attempts to blend sound with sight through art.

Andrew Tricoche’s website

Gabrielle Burgess

My interest in music and hand lettering inspired me to investigate the possibilities of visualizing speech. By adjusting variables in the structure of the letter, spelling of the word, and spacing, I am able to adjust the sound of the subconscious voice and accurately portray variations in sound. Pulling acapellas from various songs, my work attempts to blend sound with sight through art.

Andrew Tricoche’s website

Li Yun Chen

My interest in music and hand lettering inspired me to investigate the possibilities of visualizing speech. By adjusting variables in the structure of the letter, spelling of the word, and spacing, I am able to adjust the sound of the subconscious voice and accurately portray variations in sound. Pulling acapellas from various songs, my work attempts to blend sound with sight through art.

Andrew Tricoche’s website

Lauren Cox

My interest in music and hand lettering inspired me to investigate the possibilities of visualizing speech. By adjusting variables in the structure of the letter, spelling of the word, and spacing, I am able to adjust the sound of the subconscious voice and accurately portray variations in sound. Pulling acapellas from various songs, my work attempts to blend sound with sight through art.

Andrew Tricoche’s website

Katie Dygon

My interest in music and hand lettering inspired me to investigate the possibilities of visualizing speech. By adjusting variables in the structure of the letter, spelling of the word, and spacing, I am able to adjust the sound of the subconscious voice and accurately portray variations in sound. Pulling acapellas from various songs, my work attempts to blend sound with sight through art.

Andrew Tricoche’s website

Britney Payton

My interest in music and hand lettering inspired me to investigate the possibilities of visualizing speech. By adjusting variables in the structure of the letter, spelling of the word, and spacing, I am able to adjust the sound of the subconscious voice and accurately portray variations in sound. Pulling acapellas from various songs, my work attempts to blend sound with sight through art.

Andrew Tricoche’s website

Chase Terranova

My interest in music and hand lettering inspired me to investigate the possibilities of visualizing speech. By adjusting variables in the structure of the letter, spelling of the word, and spacing, I am able to adjust the sound of the subconscious voice and accurately portray variations in sound. Pulling acapellas from various songs, my work attempts to blend sound with sight through art.

Andrew Tricoche’s website

Elise Walsh

My interest in music and hand lettering inspired me to investigate the possibilities of visualizing speech. By adjusting variables in the structure of the letter, spelling of the word, and spacing, I am able to adjust the sound of the subconscious voice and accurately portray variations in sound. Pulling acapellas from various songs, my work attempts to blend sound with sight through art.

Andrew Tricoche’s website

Ziyi Feng December 2016

My interest in music and hand lettering inspired me to investigate the possibilities of visualizing speech. By adjusting variables in the structure of the letter, spelling of the word, and spacing, I am able to adjust the sound of the subconscious voice and accurately portray variations in sound. Pulling acapellas from various songs, my work attempts to blend sound with sight through art.

Andrew Tricoche’s website

Devon Unwin December 2016

My interest in music and hand lettering inspired me to investigate the possibilities of visualizing speech. By adjusting variables in the structure of the letter, spelling of the word, and spacing, I am able to adjust the sound of the subconscious voice and accurately portray variations in sound. Pulling acapellas from various songs, my work attempts to blend sound with sight through art.

Andrew Tricoche’s website

2015-2016 Nonagon

Meg Bensten

design and construction of (modular) origami dresses and related objects

Mariah Florez

Developed ways to use the natural beauty of snakes to encourage the general public to become more open to repecting and accepting reptiles... Someone who already has negative associations with snakes, perhaps because of negative past experiences, might not her my message. And so I would like to use my skills as an artist to create things that... create a level of empathy in my viewers in order to shed light upon the unfair consequences created by the Lacey Act of 1920. I don't need every person who views my show to come away loving these animal as I do, but perhaps some can walk away thinking twice about their hatred or fear of them.

James Hillmann

open source, open access, transparency, structure, container-vs-content — these were key concepts throughout the year, though a large number of exercises, many abandoned along the way. social media interfaces; typeface; SciFi sketches; music visualizations; an unreal interface; and various tool (and multi-tool) concepts.

The final project was the visual identity for a speculative Quantum VR web browsing concept.

Angel Lukos-Algarin

first semester involved exploration of 3D design and interaction, and "walking around" objects and virtual buildings (using a video game developer tool). This lead to a focus in second semester on 2D.

Took photographs of buildings in Boston, which became the basis for progressive abstractions into simpler shapes. Project focused on line, shape and space; some of these forms were scaled up for installation in the Nonagon thesis exhibition.

Juan Matias

The reasoning behind my decision to focus on Tinder came from my theory that this application is the future of relationships. It is predicted that by the year 2030, 60% of all American relationships will be started online. Whether or not one agrees with the morality of it... it's a topic that shouldn't be ignored. My thesis consisted of a how-to guide that basically holds the reader's hands through a successful Tinder experience.

Cody Pelletier

The initial concept was not what I have here today. Things changed and things happened. The result of all this has been five album designs, three shirts, two posters, and one cool GIF.

the albums: Earth Wind and Fire; Kid Cudi; G-Eazy; Goldie Glocks...

Samantha Perry

The project is about form, structure and the creation of bird nexts, in relation to human design of nests. Birds have a natural instinct to build a certain next. There is one singular purpose... to attact a mate and lay their eggs... Birds obtain the materials that are around them to construct the form. Humans have no purpose in building a nest...

The end result of this project is to have people think about the instinctual process versus the design process...

Alexandra Rios

fall semester: experimented with different things involving the honey bee crisis, including learning which herbs and flowers that attract pollinators, the foods that we will lose if the bees die off, how to make seed balls and seed paper, &c. graph that lists all (or most) herbs and flowers that help pollinators and also helps newbie/professional gardeners decide what to plant in their gardens and how to do so.

Kayla Whelan

first semester: I am exploring language, in particular its imperfections... "The Letter of Lord Chandos" by Hugo von Hofmannsthal spoke to me deeply... I am taking the text apart and putting it back together, often in ways that make it partially or completely illegible... Building off this text, I am exploring what the next stage of the crisis of Lord Chandos would be. That's where the poem "What is the Word" of Samuel Beckett comes into play. second semester: I am going to explore typography in a pseudoscientific manner, drawing inspiration from molecular typography (the creation of Woody Leslie) and geologic typography (the creation of Eric Karnes)...

2014-2015 [Name of Show]

Mayuka Fujii

Personification of academic concentrations (majors) at Montserrat College of Art.

Alexander Iverson

Memories, data collection
documentation of 306 cigarette butts encountered during walk from the Hardie building at 23 Essex Street to 197 Cabot Street; development of visualizations.

collection and analysis of used copies of a single edition of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, and visualizations and derivations from those

Deborah Manchester

Books and other investigations
My thesis explores how people perceive and interact with the concept of normality on a societal and personal level, and the complex issues raised by having an idea of normal.

Sarah Middleton

surveying and mapping different types of spaces such as physical space (Billerica, Beverly) and mental space (my dreams). Both of these physical and mental spaces have emotional dimensions to me (personal history, relationships, memories, etc.). Between these spaces I will seek to identify linkages by means of tagging and classification... These tags, along with graphic and diagrammatic devices will provide means to connect and discover connections between these diverse realms. two- and three-dimensional diagrams to give visuals of the information gathered from these physical and mental spaces, and the threads that connect them.

Alyssa Pettit

This project centered around the collection of specific rocks. Each rock was obtained in sync with particular life events, and provided information relating to them. This thesis generalizes the correlation of life in real time with inanimate stones and the general study of information design. Each rock provided data such as date, time, location, color and shape. The organization of this data illustrates the meaning of age and time, and is depicted through collage, digital illustration, and photography.

Shelby Rivers

from quilling, to generative design, to observations of other cars on commute to school... to dead end, to getting lost, to stuff in cars in a junk yark ("I was feeling ambitious this week"), to an inventory and careful sketches of all the stuff in Shelby's car.

Brenda Roswess

Softcore Books explores contemporary relationships to the codes in the digital age, through performance, videos and books. The work exists at the intersection of two elements:
1. The responses to ebooks in 2010, arguably the most charged moment for books post-internet.
2. How the network engages with the codex, through the scope of porn (i.e., Food Porn, Closet Porn, Shelf Porn, Library Porn, Book Porn. Softcore Books wishes to fetishize the book, to be intimate with it, to show it with all the soft-focus, dust and water damage possible in hopes of beginning to understand what we want from the codex.

2013-2014 Going For Broke

Darek Bittner


including —
Avalanche Slides of the Adirondack High Peaks
(book, cards, tumblr blog)
Untitled (Good News)
(flexagon format book of text derived from old Adirondack newspaper clippings)
How I Killed a Bear
(pamphlet stitched book with accordion fold)

letterpress printing; maps

Joanna Carey


Phonetics, lines and poetry.
These three subjects are connected to each other.
The words within poetry, decomposed into letters,
letters decomposed into vowels/consonants
with specific sounds for each letter;
all dictated by lines and markings.

in progress, Fall 2014.

Whitney Chin

Textile Factory

revised statement:
I will continue to work on my handcrafted designs for a small personal business. These pieces are one-of-a-kind luxury items made from natural, high-quality materials and created with strict attention to detail. I am designing for a younger generation of home decorators with an eye for unique style, an appreciation for quality, green/sustainable living, and art. My branding/identity strategies will reflect these points which will be finalized and used in future retail.Textile Factory

revised statement:
I will continue to work on my handcrafted designs for a small personal business. These pieces are one-of-a-kind luxury items made from natural, high-quality materials and created with strict attention to detail. I am designing for a younger generation of home decorators with an eye for unique style, an appreciation for quality, green/sustainable living, and art. My branding/identity strategies will reflect these points which will be finalized and used in future retail.

Amanda Foley

The Art of Storytelling
I wish to illustrate a sequence of random events with a single character using a specific coding system. All of the codes will be animated and the actions that take place will reflect both the character and the environment that controls them. The code language will be included as a montage of voices as the character moves. The animations as well as the coding language will dictate my character’s daily life like words and illustrations would dictate a picture book.

tools: pencil, paper, processing

Caitlin Hatfield

What defines a hat?
Is a hat just an accessory, or can it be something more? How far can one distort the structure of a hat? For this [Spring] semester I want to explore the make up of a hat. Some hats allow the wearer to blend in and others allow the wearer to stand out. I have always held this accessory dear to me... I want to focus on reconstructing the form of a hat and the wearer’s interaction with it. I want to leave how the hat sits and attaches to the wearer open ended; this will allow each wearer to put his/her own spin on it.

initial idea : costumes

Caroline Lares

shoe deconstructions, photography, drawings.

initial idea: wearable technology
passages: pain and pleasure

Nico Reilly

Mixing digital and traditional methods I will portray the most influential person in my life by cataloging our relationship.

passages: wood carving (signs); screenprinting; social media #betweenyouandi, instagram

Tiffany Valcourt

Something Once Lost
collage illustrations, book, puppets

text : Grimm Brothers fairy tales

Liv Varney

Young Fellow Clothing
T-shirt design (unique screenprint collages), other apparel (caps), branding; marketing

evolution : screenprint collage experiments (October 2013)

Rebecca Wallace

”unpack the utterances in which habit is embedded, and then decontextualize and recontextualize them by typographic and other means”

initial idea: visual chaos, conscious/subconscious, visual stimulus

text: William James, Principles of Psychology (1890)

Monique Yuzwak

Golden Age of Crime / Depression Desperadoes

Learn more about a subject that I know only little about.
Take the information I learn and tell something more than just the history;
try to approach the content in different way.
Take the design of the past and relate it to today

in progress


Ian Corrigan

...to develop a system that translates design elements directly into audio format, writing pieces of music by creating simple but visually pleasing designs that will become a score to a piece of music that I will then record and play back.

tools : Max/MSP/Jitter

Gina DiPietro


Together an inseparable reality.
{Unity of Opposites.}

I explore this idea in the architecture and landscape of Boston and Southern Maine via drawing, photography, and three dimensional construction.

media: photographs, cyanotypes, drawings, assemblage

Lauren Giorgiades

I Your We / CMYK

...generated from my online diary during the years 2007-2009. My work contains the words immediately following the words I, Your, & We in every instance that they appear, chronologically. I wrote them in CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, & Black, the four colors of offset printing), a symbol of my present & future as a graphic designer. I have washed out the details from my previous memories... [and] created an affectless poetry, lists open to new interpretation & multiple drawings. I learned to create my future with the materials I have gathered along the way.

Nicole Lariviere

The One Afternoon Collection
fabric design and branding

Based on colors, textures and forms of Eastern Point, Gloucester. Scanned and traced photographed textures and forms, then experimented with and derived designs from those. Ordered swatches of each design as well the color chart from Spoonflower as a first test of what everything will look like in production. Designed One Afternoon identity and promotional materials, incorporating photographs taken at Eastern Point.

Tim Olech

Journey into a Pixelated Mind

focus on grid and pixels, led to work with generative art and the use of the Processing programming language.

overlays, coding, projections (onto wall painted (in parts) with clear acrylic glaze). also sculptural elements.

tools : processing, among others.

Dana Robinson

documentation of dreams in flat (illustration) work, and three-dimensional design artifacts that will engage the viewer in a more physical way.

project website

Alexa Szilagyi

Shipwreck, Error, Rope, and Language

tall ships (visited); ruins (artifacts from the wreck of the Whydah, also Champlain II; words (Hans Blumenberg’s Shipwreck with Spectator, Herman Melville’s Moby Dick); sailor’s yarns and ropemaking; lines, numbers, patterns; mapping positives and negatives; ship comparisons; ship breaking yards; oil comparisons; rope (making rope); vellum books

image at left : graphic representation of the world’s largest ship graveyard, at Alang, India... well over 100 vessels dotting the coastline, awaiting shipbreaking...

Jes Thayer

Spectral Frequencies
Binaural Frequencies

I’ve been doing some deep research into the science of Psychoacoustics (brain waves and music). By finding the boundaries and following a pattern of frequency behavior, I now have a pattern to follow to induce a state of meditative transience. I would like to couple this audio manipulation with parts of learning, as learning new things is often as hard as letting things go, like the parts of our brains that worry about our own struggles.


Brittany Armington

map translations

Maps help us get from one place to another by creating negative and positive space that shows the ins and outs of the environment. I am interested in translating these maps back and forth between three-dimensional and two-dimensional... to gain an understanding of our relationship to our world by pulling away from the original context...

maps; paper, wood and thread sculptural forms; infographics.

Zachary Burt

The Tortoise, Hare, Dog and Sheep animation

Randi Giles


First semester :
I walked half the shoreline of Prudence Island and collected things. I brought them to Beverly and started to draw them. I went on a second walk, collected more things, then I organized them. I also found some carvings in the rocks... Eighteen drawings [of a single styrofoam float fragment]. Photographed, collaged and numbered the objects. [Mapped the locations at which objects were found.]

Second semester :
Mainly focused on making the catalog of the objects I collected on my walk around the island and preparation for the senior thesis exhibition, called Proximity.

Tiffany Gill


The process is simple enough. First type out the name [or word], then create outlines around each letter, then release the compound paths to give me total control over each individual letterform. Cut up each letterform into various forms and shapes, connect them at times, allow them to flow across the page... sentences... a large, long running mural on a wall, a blueprint of a story untold in a location that gives it meaning, etc., etc.

text :
All of old. Nothing else ever. Ever tried. Ever failed. But never so failed. Fail better.
ex Samuel Beckett, Nohow On.

Ari Grosvenor

I am surveying our societies’ perceptions of identity, and their effect on community. My work explores the interdependence of language and human beings by asking the question: can one determine what “normal” and “natural” are?

posters; guerilla packaging; dictionary; installation

image : skin/flesh strips, tests

Erin Humphrey

Erin Humphrey’s work explicates the contradictory practices of government with regard to human rights. The Western concept of human rights as a birthright does not translate the same into other cultures. In a historically Confucian culture such as China, hard work, virtue, and family determine respect and status, not merely being human.

vinyl wall installation, posters

Bridget Kenahan

identity through objects /
shoes /
21 Years of Consumerism

...my personal exploration through the... items that I own. My goal was ultimately to confront, document, and catalogue these items based upon their personal value to me. This process was a personal journey which brought the issue of identity through objects, as well as the issues of hoarding. My intentions were to document these things in a way that other people could read and understand, through graphs... and alternative ways the information could be displayed.

three-dimensional graphs, installation, collage, website

Erika Lagesse

Fractal Typography

I would like to merge my interest in typography, and fractal geometry. A fractal is a curve or geometric figure, each part of which has the same statistical character as the whole. I would like to create letterforms and characters using both digital as well as hand-crafted materials, and then go in and create intricate designs inside of each letter. I intend on using materials such as computer-based illustration programs, sharpies, x-acto knives, cut paper, vellum, etc.

Ruby Martinez

The Moon
animation of a story by the Grimm Brothers

drawing, storyboarding, animatics
(and a lot of typographic experimentation)

image :
detail of animatic, presented at Lateral Relations show, April 2012

Eric Pierce

zines and website providing information on video games (reviews, game hints, player statistics, online events, etc.)

Lana Wheeler

The Closet

close observation, photographs and drawings of items in closet; formal experimentation with these; derivation of significant forms into a bright, colorful jewelry collection.

Arielle Winchester

public words / facebook infographic progress
several social media / statistical visualization exercises.
I compiled a list of the most commonly used words from the Montserrat newsfeed on Facebook, from the week of January 16th to 23rd, noon to noon. [Words were charted on a 3D map.]
Over the course of one night I recorded the verbal conversations in my kitchen on an old cassette recorder. During my physical interactions I noticed myself checking and replying to text messages. I wrote down each message along with the snippet of real-life conversation that I was having at the same time.... I wanted the photos to reflect the sort of confusion and glitches that occur while doing two things at once....


Arielle Winchester

public words / facebook infographic progress
several social media / statistical visualization exercises.
I compiled a list of the most commonly used words from the Montserrat newsfeed on Facebook, from the week of January 16th to 23rd, noon to noon. [Words were charted on a 3D map.]
Over the course of one night I recorded the verbal conversations in my kitchen on an old cassette recorder. During my physical interactions I noticed myself checking and replying to text messages. I wrote down each message along with the snippet of real-life conversation that I was having at the same time.... I wanted the photos to reflect the sort of confusion and glitches that occur while doing two things at once....

Arielle Winchester

public words / facebook infographic progress
several social media / statistical visualization exercises.
I compiled a list of the most commonly used words from the Montserrat newsfeed on Facebook, from the week of January 16th to 23rd, noon to noon. [Words were charted on a 3D map.]
Over the course of one night I recorded the verbal conversations in my kitchen on an old cassette recorder. During my physical interactions I noticed myself checking and replying to text messages. I wrote down each message along with the snippet of real-life conversation that I was having at the same time.... I wanted the photos to reflect the sort of confusion and glitches that occur while doing two things at once....

Arielle Winchester

public words / facebook infographic progress
several social media / statistical visualization exercises.
I compiled a list of the most commonly used words from the Montserrat newsfeed on Facebook, from the week of January 16th to 23rd, noon to noon. [Words were charted on a 3D map.]
Over the course of one night I recorded the verbal conversations in my kitchen on an old cassette recorder. During my physical interactions I noticed myself checking and replying to text messages. I wrote down each message along with the snippet of real-life conversation that I was having at the same time.... I wanted the photos to reflect the sort of confusion and glitches that occur while doing two things at once....

Arielle Winchester

public words / facebook infographic progress
several social media / statistical visualization exercises.
I compiled a list of the most commonly used words from the Montserrat newsfeed on Facebook, from the week of January 16th to 23rd, noon to noon. [Words were charted on a 3D map.]
Over the course of one night I recorded the verbal conversations in my kitchen on an old cassette recorder. During my physical interactions I noticed myself checking and replying to text messages. I wrote down each message along with the snippet of real-life conversation that I was having at the same time.... I wanted the photos to reflect the sort of confusion and glitches that occur while doing two things at once....

Arielle Winchester

public words / facebook infographic progress
several social media / statistical visualization exercises.
I compiled a list of the most commonly used words from the Montserrat newsfeed on Facebook, from the week of January 16th to 23rd, noon to noon. [Words were charted on a 3D map.]
Over the course of one night I recorded the verbal conversations in my kitchen on an old cassette recorder. During my physical interactions I noticed myself checking and replying to text messages. I wrote down each message along with the snippet of real-life conversation that I was having at the same time.... I wanted the photos to reflect the sort of confusion and glitches that occur while doing two things at once....

Arielle Winchester

public words / facebook infographic progress
several social media / statistical visualization exercises.
I compiled a list of the most commonly used words from the Montserrat newsfeed on Facebook, from the week of January 16th to 23rd, noon to noon. [Words were charted on a 3D map.]
Over the course of one night I recorded the verbal conversations in my kitchen on an old cassette recorder. During my physical interactions I noticed myself checking and replying to text messages. I wrote down each message along with the snippet of real-life conversation that I was having at the same time.... I wanted the photos to reflect the sort of confusion and glitches that occur while doing two things at once....

Arielle Winchester

public words / facebook infographic progress
several social media / statistical visualization exercises.
I compiled a list of the most commonly used words from the Montserrat newsfeed on Facebook, from the week of January 16th to 23rd, noon to noon. [Words were charted on a 3D map.]
Over the course of one night I recorded the verbal conversations in my kitchen on an old cassette recorder. During my physical interactions I noticed myself checking and replying to text messages. I wrote down each message along with the snippet of real-life conversation that I was having at the same time.... I wanted the photos to reflect the sort of confusion and glitches that occur while doing two things at once....

Arielle Winchester

public words / facebook infographic progress
several social media / statistical visualization exercises.
I compiled a list of the most commonly used words from the Montserrat newsfeed on Facebook, from the week of January 16th to 23rd, noon to noon. [Words were charted on a 3D map.]
Over the course of one night I recorded the verbal conversations in my kitchen on an old cassette recorder. During my physical interactions I noticed myself checking and replying to text messages. I wrote down each message along with the snippet of real-life conversation that I was having at the same time.... I wanted the photos to reflect the sort of confusion and glitches that occur while doing two things at once....

Arielle Winchester

public words / facebook infographic progress
several social media / statistical visualization exercises.
I compiled a list of the most commonly used words from the Montserrat newsfeed on Facebook, from the week of January 16th to 23rd, noon to noon. [Words were charted on a 3D map.]
Over the course of one night I recorded the verbal conversations in my kitchen on an old cassette recorder. During my physical interactions I noticed myself checking and replying to text messages. I wrote down each message along with the snippet of real-life conversation that I was having at the same time.... I wanted the photos to reflect the sort of confusion and glitches that occur while doing two things at once....

Arielle Winchester

public words / facebook infographic progress
several social media / statistical visualization exercises.
I compiled a list of the most commonly used words from the Montserrat newsfeed on Facebook, from the week of January 16th to 23rd, noon to noon. [Words were charted on a 3D map.]
Over the course of one night I recorded the verbal conversations in my kitchen on an old cassette recorder. During my physical interactions I noticed myself checking and replying to text messages. I wrote down each message along with the snippet of real-life conversation that I was having at the same time.... I wanted the photos to reflect the sort of confusion and glitches that occur while doing two things at once....

Arielle Winchester

public words / facebook infographic progress
several social media / statistical visualization exercises.
I compiled a list of the most commonly used words from the Montserrat newsfeed on Facebook, from the week of January 16th to 23rd, noon to noon. [Words were charted on a 3D map.]
Over the course of one night I recorded the verbal conversations in my kitchen on an old cassette recorder. During my physical interactions I noticed myself checking and replying to text messages. I wrote down each message along with the snippet of real-life conversation that I was having at the same time.... I wanted the photos to reflect the sort of confusion and glitches that occur while doing two things at once....

Arielle Winchester

public words / facebook infographic progress
several social media / statistical visualization exercises.
I compiled a list of the most commonly used words from the Montserrat newsfeed on Facebook, from the week of January 16th to 23rd, noon to noon. [Words were charted on a 3D map.]
Over the course of one night I recorded the verbal conversations in my kitchen on an old cassette recorder. During my physical interactions I noticed myself checking and replying to text messages. I wrote down each message along with the snippet of real-life conversation that I was having at the same time.... I wanted the photos to reflect the sort of confusion and glitches that occur while doing two things at once....


Courtney Cooney

Fashion Marche / Marie Antoinette

What is it about Marie Antoinette? I propose to explore this question by researching her life, her legacy, and the visual evidence of her time. There is an Antoinette obsession that I share with many others, from her time to our own. As I work with this material I will create a series of collages as well as a book incorporating my collages with vector art.

Kate Davidson

Spoiler Alert
a series of movie posters that gets right to the good part, the spoiler. That’s right; a simple glance at the movie poster, and you can get right to the meat of the movie. No actual viewing of the film is necessary... I also would like to create something that will most certainly elicit a strong reaction out of the viewer; I believe creating a normal poster wouldn’t get the same level of response as it would if a spoiler was included.

second semester: Parlance, a book pairing film images and epigrams from moralists like Bruyère and Chamfort.

Sarah Surette

Scrapbooks, scrapbooking

gallery exhibition included scrapbooks, and tables and materials for participatory scrapbooking

Dan Stewart

It’s a Revolution / Nostalgia
leading to VCTM design, branding


Arielle Winchester

public words / facebook infographic progress
several social media / statistical visualization exercises.
I compiled a list of the most commonly used words from the Montserrat newsfeed on Facebook, from the week of January 16th to 23rd, noon to noon. [Words were charted on a 3D map.]
Over the course of one night I recorded the verbal conversations in my kitchen on an old cassette recorder. During my physical interactions I noticed myself checking and replying to text messages. I wrote down each message along with the snippet of real-life conversation that I was having at the same time.... I wanted the photos to reflect the sort of confusion and glitches that occur while doing two things at once....

Arielle Winchester

public words / facebook infographic progress
several social media / statistical visualization exercises.
I compiled a list of the most commonly used words from the Montserrat newsfeed on Facebook, from the week of January 16th to 23rd, noon to noon. [Words were charted on a 3D map.]
Over the course of one night I recorded the verbal conversations in my kitchen on an old cassette recorder. During my physical interactions I noticed myself checking and replying to text messages. I wrote down each message along with the snippet of real-life conversation that I was having at the same time.... I wanted the photos to reflect the sort of confusion and glitches that occur while doing two things at once....

Arielle Winchester

public words / facebook infographic progress
several social media / statistical visualization exercises.
I compiled a list of the most commonly used words from the Montserrat newsfeed on Facebook, from the week of January 16th to 23rd, noon to noon. [Words were charted on a 3D map.]
Over the course of one night I recorded the verbal conversations in my kitchen on an old cassette recorder. During my physical interactions I noticed myself checking and replying to text messages. I wrote down each message along with the snippet of real-life conversation that I was having at the same time.... I wanted the photos to reflect the sort of confusion and glitches that occur while doing two things at once....

Arielle Winchester

public words / facebook infographic progress
several social media / statistical visualization exercises.
I compiled a list of the most commonly used words from the Montserrat newsfeed on Facebook, from the week of January 16th to 23rd, noon to noon. [Words were charted on a 3D map.]
Over the course of one night I recorded the verbal conversations in my kitchen on an old cassette recorder. During my physical interactions I noticed myself checking and replying to text messages. I wrote down each message along with the snippet of real-life conversation that I was having at the same time.... I wanted the photos to reflect the sort of confusion and glitches that occur while doing two things at once....

Arielle Winchester

public words / facebook infographic progress
several social media / statistical visualization exercises.
I compiled a list of the most commonly used words from the Montserrat newsfeed on Facebook, from the week of January 16th to 23rd, noon to noon. [Words were charted on a 3D map.]
Over the course of one night I recorded the verbal conversations in my kitchen on an old cassette recorder. During my physical interactions I noticed myself checking and replying to text messages. I wrote down each message along with the snippet of real-life conversation that I was having at the same time.... I wanted the photos to reflect the sort of confusion and glitches that occur while doing two things at once....

Arielle Winchester

public words / facebook infographic progress
several social media / statistical visualization exercises.
I compiled a list of the most commonly used words from the Montserrat newsfeed on Facebook, from the week of January 16th to 23rd, noon to noon. [Words were charted on a 3D map.]
Over the course of one night I recorded the verbal conversations in my kitchen on an old cassette recorder. During my physical interactions I noticed myself checking and replying to text messages. I wrote down each message along with the snippet of real-life conversation that I was having at the same time.... I wanted the photos to reflect the sort of confusion and glitches that occur while doing two things at once....